My name is Stephanie Timmers. I graduated as an occupational and organizational psychologist at the VU in Amsterdam in 2000 and have since worked for companies, non-profit organizations and private individuals in the role of consultant, HR manager and coach. After university I did various courses, including ’consultancy skills’ and ’coaching as a profession’ (one of the few courses in the Netherlands with accreditation from the International Coaching Federation). Because of my experience I am a recognized Registered Psychologist NIP (Netherlands Institute of Psychologists). Since 2012, I have been working from my own practice for both individuals and organizations. 

It gives me great satisfaction and pleasure when I can help others to use their qualities and talents and to trust their own abilities, overcome their fears and/or bring more energy and pleasure into their lives.

How do I work?

Your request for help is of course central. Together we look at what works best for your situation. Characteristics that fit my style are: involvement, openness and enthusiasm. In addition, I am a stimulating coach, which means that I start from your specific possibilities and solutions.